Some of our webtexts contain spreadsheet templates. These are designed to guide you through the process of completing your assignments in the webtext.
Add content to the cells
Spreadsheet templates work just like Microsoft Excel. Each spreadsheet template will prompt you to fill out a series of cells. Within the template, only the shaded cells are editable. To enter content into a cell, simply click on the cell and start typing.
Cells are the individual boxes in the spreadsheet. They are arranged in rows (horizontal bars) and columns (vertical bars).
Each cell has a unique name, or cell address, that corresponds to a column letter and a row number. For example, B14 is the address of the cell in column B and row 14.
Complete the templates
As you work through the template, your work will be saved automatically. When you’re finished with the template, click the Add button. This will allow you to move forward to the next template.
You must complete the templates in order. If you try to access a template before completing the templates before it, you will see a message sending you back to the template you skipped. This could mean that you’ve filled out the template but you still need to click the Add button.
Find the templates
At the bottom of the Table of Contents menu, you’ll find the Index of Spreadsheet Templates. This page contains links to every spreadsheet template in the webtext.
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