How do I download and upload a file on a mobile device?
Tamina avatar
Written by Tamina
Updated over a week ago

The process for downloading or uploading a file on your mobile device can vary widely depending on your browser and device. Below are instructions for two of the more common configurations: Safari on an iPhone and Chrome on an Android phone.

For Safari on iOS:

Click “Download Practice File (PDF)” in your webtext.

This will open the file in a new window.

Click the Share icon at the bottom of your screen.

Scroll down and tap “Save to Files.”

Click “Save” in the upper right corner. 

Return to the webtext. When you get to the “Upload a File” section in the webtext, follow these steps: 

Click “browse.”

Click the three dots next to the “Browse” option.

Choose the file (it should be titled “CIS_Practice_Download”).

You will then be taken back to the webtext and the file should appear.

For Chrome on Android:

Click “Download Practice File (PDF)” in your webtext.

By default, the file should save to your Downloads folder. 

When you get to the “Upload a File” section in the webtext, follow these steps: 

Click “browse.” 

Choose the Documents option.

Choose the file (it should be titled “CIS_Practice_Download”).

You will then be taken back to the webtext and the file should appear. 

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